Thursday, April 30, 2009

True Colors Thursday - Rainbow

Rainbow is the color of choice for this True Colors Thursday. Rainbow, to me, can mean a plethora of colors. They don’t have to be the brightest colors, just a range of colors. So for my first photo for this week’s True Colors I give you:

A Rainbow of Greyhounds! All reporting for their monthly heartworm preventative.


Wrapping paper with a Rainbow of Colors.


A Rainbow of Balls In Motion

Balls in Motion

Rainbow colors of a handmade music box doll.

Rainbow Doll

Last but certainly not least is a True Rainbow during a spring storm.

Rainbow and Spring Storm

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 is a website I have that is dedicated to our camping in Minnesota State Parks over the last few years. However, last year’s adventures I just didn’t get around to posting information about, but I will get to that AND try to keep up with this year’s trips as well. Our idea is to camp in every Minnesota State Park that allows camping. I recently changed providers for my site and it is also in dire need of updating (as I explained) but thought I would mention the site here and provide a link as further ‘incentive’ for me to GET IT DONE!


Sistertex welcomes you:

The above is basically how you are greeted upon arrival at the site but other than that, the site is very basic…nothing fancy about it at all.

It was begun as a school project in my HTML classes, so no fancy software tools went into creating the site…as you can probably tell when perusing it. Perhaps someday I will get some fancier design going with it, but for now it serves the purpose. Mostly I’m using it for photographs from the parks we have visited. If you are interested and have a little time, I hope you will have a look.

The name Sistertex is something I am asked about occasionally, so might as well throw that in here too. Sistertex is a name created from combining two of my first Greyhounds’ names (Sister and Tex!) They inspired me greatly (along with my Blaze girl) to become a Retired Racing Greyhound advocate and rescue person. Though they are no longer with us, they will forever live on in my heart (as will all of the many hounds that have passed through my doors.)

By the way…that is Renner giving you his ‘come-hither’ look in the photo.

ABC Wednesday – The Letter ‘O’

This ABC Wednesday brings us the letter ‘O’ and I will start of with a photo of a friendly little Opossum.


Also an Owl who occasionally hangs out…maybe looking for an Opossum for its lunch. (Yikes!)


A scene from an apple Orchard

Keeganapple orchard

A bright Orange bird at Busch Gardens, Florida


A Greyhound Outside


More Greyhounds looking Outside from an Open door.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

True Colors Thursday – Rust

I give you Rust, which is the color of choice for this week’s True Colors Thursday.

Cat Feet On Rust Rug

cat feet on a rust colored rug

Rust Colored Pipestone At Pipestone National Park

rust rock pipestone

Leaves of Fall – Camden State Park, MN

rust colored leaves of fall

True Rust of an old Railroad bridge spanning high over a trail at Camden State Park, MN.

true rust

Rust Painted Walls

rust walls

A Greyhound With Rust Spots


Rust Colored Greyhound

Rust colored greyhound

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Alphabet Wednesday – The Letter ‘N’

For Alphabet Wednesday I will start the letter ‘N’ off with a photo of a bird’s Nest, though oddly placed, I think it is lovely in design. BirdNestcropped

Next a lovely collection of Noses.

Greyhound Noses

gh noses

Big People Noses


A Nose Profile


A Little Person’s Nose


A little person’s Nose smeared with chocolate cookie.

nose with chocolate

Goat Nose.


Cat Nose


My Nose


Thursday, April 16, 2009

True Colors Thursday - Lime

True Colors Thursday brings us to the color Lime!

Baby looks good in his Lime bib while playing with his Lime toys. Lime Baby Bib

A shiny bow!

shiny lime bow

A funny greeting card….Lime Greeting card


The color of new spring growth.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ABC Wednesday - ‘M’

Kicking off ABC Wednesday - ‘M’ is Minnesota, my home state.

The photo below is of the Twin Cities: Minneapolis/St. Paul.

Minnesota Twin Cities

The Mississippi River flows through Minnesota, look at the photo below and this is the Mighty Mississippi River at a not so ‘Mighty’ spot.

Minnesota Mississippi River

But then Minnesota has a lot of waterfalls – the following one is Minnehaha Falls.


And the next one is Minneopa Falls which is actually a double waterfall.


The photos that follow are photos taken while driving from Minnesota to Florida.

The Mountains of Tennessee (please pardon the reflection of the windshield)



Coming back down through the Mountains they feel it necessary to provide Runaway Truck RampsDSC02990

For some reason I found this Motorcyclist’s Jacket fascinating. It declared him an ‘Iron Pig’.


We also saw a Mega-Cross.


And then of course I’d also like to celebrate Monty who is one of my kitties, turning 20 years old this Month!


Thursday, April 09, 2009

True Colors Thursday – Black and White!

This True Colors Thursday we are in Black and White. I offer up this photo which is 34 years old as a beginning.

A Happy Couple Wed In Black and White.


A Very White Landscape.

Snowy Trees

A Black and White Sign Posted By A Lake.

Black and White Sign

A Black Nose on a White Face. (Scooter)


A White Greyhound Looking Out a Window Into The Black of Night. (Renner)

white dog black window


A Black Greyhound. (Cyber)

White Greyhound in a Black Shadow

A White Greyhound In a Black Shadow. (Renner)

Scooter cropped

Last but not least, a Black and White Greyhound. (Scooter)



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