Leaves and a Little Help
First, I wish everyone a safe and fun Halloween weekend!
Now on to ‘Leaves and a Little Help’.
Dog turn out area changed practically over night from green to leaf dropping brown.
We have been having some very windy, rainy days lately which aids in Fall leaves falling. I love Fall, it is my favorite season. I think it rates high in my book due to the beautiful colors of the leaves as they paint the bright blue autumn sky and the crisp air, no longer hot and humid, but not yet cold enough to freeze your breath mid-air.
However, the beauty ends when, over a course of a day or two, the wind and rain undresses the trees and adorns the ground with a few inches of raking material. We have quite a bit of land to cover around the house and I don’t particularly like to rake, especially on a windy day.
Deer graze just outside our fence.
The local wildlife seem pretty happy with things even though the garden is in miserable shape now covered in leaves and taken down by evening frosts.
Of course that is outside and though it is a gray and rainy day outside there is a lot going on inside.
Fidget is very busy doing what Fidget does….
I’ll let you figure this one out for yourself.
Photo of Scooter using my ‘Fidget’ editing tool.
Fidget can be very useful, as you can see. He did allow a few more photos of Greyhounds. So I will let him choose which ones to show you next.
Fidget seems to favor the ‘predator lurking on prey’ mode where his victims are clueless to his presence.
Scooter doesn’t care and continues to do what Scooter does best.
Renner just does not want to be a part of Fidget’s antics and is pretty good at hiding ‘in plain sight’.
So now with all the camera work said and done I begin to get to work on other things.
Of course Fidget is no slacker, he is there to help out.
It is tiring though.
Are we done yet?
Then of course…